
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Comparative Racism - What Indigenous Minorities of all Nations Owe to Adolph Hitler

Post WWII - America Fails to More than Catch Glimpses of Itself in the Nazi State.
Had it not been for the necessity of confronting the German Nazi regime, would post WWII desegregation and social integration of Black Americans into the American social mainstream have ever occurred? Throughout the war, we often proclaimed that we were "better than them." But in reality, being "better than them" didn't really begin until AFTER the war. And the Communists of the Soviet Union, were they "better than us?" I think that they discriminated against ethnic non-Russians is many of the same ways that pre-Civil Rights Act Americans discriminated against non-whites, and as most Europeans overtly discriminated against "Colonials".

Nationalism pre-WWII was a defacto "ethnic nationalism." Since post-WWII, it has been structured so as to provide equality of opportunity for all ethnicities legitimately present within the national boundaries of the post-modern nation state.


FreeThinke said...

YUP! As I've often wryly observed, Hitler turned out to be THE very best friend The Jews have ever had bar none.

Hitler's Jewish victims did not die in vain.

But is anyone GRATEFUL for this glorious "GIFT" to humanity?

I rather doubt it. After all martyrdom is for deluded morons, is it not –– or ISN'T IT?

FreeThinke said...

It is the JEWS who RULE us now, BECAUSE they are the ONE group that can NOT be criticized, analyzed, questioned, discussed or even MENTIONED in ANY critical context whatever. 

To do so in Europe can land you in JAIL. To do so here in the United States may cause you to: 

A) Lose your JOB,

B) Become a Social Outcast, 

C) Become a Target for Organized Campaigns of Harassment, 

D) Be Publicly Scorned, Bullied, Treated to Verbal and even Physical Abuse. etc.

The twin CONCEPTS of "HATE CRIMES" and "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS" stem directly from the official proscription against what-has-been-known-as "ANTI-SEMITISM" since Nuremberg.

For the most part JEWS own and operate the ENEMEDIA and the News and Indoctrination Agencies. JEWS created HOLLYWOOD out of Whole Cloth. THREE of the NINE Justices on the Supreme Court are JEWS. The LEGAL PROFESSION in general is heavily populated-with-if-not-totally-dominated-by JEWS. The numbers of JEWS holding tenured professorships in our "best" universities is phenomenally disproprtionate to their number in Society.

Why should a mere TWO-PERCENT of our total population DOMINATE most of the professions that have such HEAVY, DISPROPRTIONATE bearing on the formulation of the Mindset and Lifestyle Choices of the vast majority?


Edward Bernays, the Faither of Modern Advertizing –– a not-so-sublte form of public BRAINWASHING –– was a JEW.

The Child Psychologists who ushered in the era of extreme PERMISSIVENESS and the idea of PROGRESSIVE education were ALSO Jewish.

Does the name Sigmund Freud mean anything to you? Do the names of leading POP Child Psychologists Benjamin Spock, Bruno Bettleheim ring any bells in your consciousness? Well, they TOO just happened to be JEWISH. Isn't that a coincidence –– NOT?

Does this mean I advocate PERSECUTION of the Jews? Certainly not. I do, however, fervently believe that THEY –– just like everyone ELSE –– should be held accountable for the mistakes the have made, and for the evils they have perpetrated, however unwittingly.

NO ONE –– including the JEWS –– should be permitted to place themselves in an exalted category where they by their very existence are considered SACROSANCT and thus permitted to remain SEPARATE and ABOVE the REST of HUMANITY.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Askenazi Jews have a mean IQ of between 115 and 120. The world has killed all the stupid ones, and genetic inheritance along with in-group breeding practices means they will likely remain amongst the most highly intelligent peoples on earth. To me, that puts their "success" in context. They're just "smarter" than the rest of us.

That being said, that doesn't mean that the rest of need assent to being lead by them. They're values and interests are different from our own. They're policies WILL favour the 1% and their own inter-cultural mobility and survival. Ours need to favour the 50th % where people have around 100 IQs. This is "why" we need to get back to "nationalism." Internationalism is THEIR arena, not ours.

And there has always been "political correctness".... only in the past the elites didn't hold as tight a grasp of the media and means of social communication. If you criticized the Emperor, they killed you. Now they just make sure that you "never work in that town again."

Joe Conservative said...

...and btw - Until black Americans raise their mean IQs through inter-breeding with Americans of other ethnicities, they will likely remain amongst the poorest citizens of our own great nation.

Joe Conservative said...

Europeans have always been exogenic. Hellenism, Helen of Troy, was all about bride capture from "other" tribes. The rest of the world is largely endogenic, and breed from "within" their tribe.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Ever since former President Bush gave a speech criticizing unnamed racists, the Trumpettes have been out in force trying to sell that racists don't suck.

Funny that.

Speedy G said...

What's good for the Tribe is good for the world, right, beamish?

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I dunno.

I just remember a time you could speak out against racism without pissing off the President.

Speedy G said...

Maybe you should try actually speaking about it without the simultaneous "spitting on the flag" symbolism.

Speedy G said...

Oh, that's right, you also want my "attention" paid to your speech. Well all I can say is that it must not be worth much if you can't get my attention without the symbolic castration. Because THAT is what all the "attention" will be paid TO.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

While you were chasing mirages, Trump is still bypassing sanctions to enrich the Iranian military

but yuh nationalism

FreeThinke said...

Thank you, FJ and Joe! I've been waiting a long time to see a reasoned response to those partcular points I keep raising, simply because addressing those issues is supposed to be TABOO.

I do not beieve on taboos. They stifle free expression, and that is bound to cause festering resentment that sooner of later will erupt in senseless violence, as it has done so many times in the past.

Freedom of Extression should NOT grant us a license to INSULT, REVILE, ABUSE and PERSECUTE one another out of sheer malice or perversity, but it DOES mean that no power should have the right –– or tha authority –– to stop anyine from asking questions born of genuine CURIOSITY, however provocative they may be.

I sm NOT an "anti-Semite," whatever that may be thought to mean at present, but I most emphatically AM against –– as Jefferson so neatly put it –– "ANY FORM ofTYRANNY over the MIND OF MAN."

Political Correctness and the concept of Hate Crimes and Thought Crimes most certainly ARE froms of TYRANNY.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Amen to that, FT!

And don't blame me if State is too timid to go against their bosses in the White House. It's hard to overcome the lasting lessons of institutional pay-to-play.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

2nd part, above, intended for beamish.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Donald Trump, the accidental terrorist lol

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

In Trump's defense, his business partners only kneel if they drop the American flag they are burning while chanting Death to the Great Satan America.

Hey they think America is Great at being Satan, right?

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

It's not so much that the State Dept. is hesistant to shut down Trump's quid pro quo funding of Hezbollah but rather that thanks to the NSA, Trump can't tell which of his orders from Moscow are real or not.

Joe Conservative said...

...because the Russians rigged the election... get real beamish. You're beginning to sound like a Hillary funder.

How $100k in Facebook ads won the election for Putin...

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

No, Hillary was just that bad lf a candidate. You voted for a bought and paid for Russian intelligence asset (complete with communist-raised trophy wife!) because you refused to write in yourself or my socks or everyy other candidate that would have handily beat Hillary.

Raise your standards.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Farcical would be entertaining the possibility that Trump isn't a blithering idiot.

Steve Bannon is a self-confessed Leninist, after all.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

b-but Trump hires the best people, eventually...

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I actually kinda liked Rex Tillerson until he denied calling Trump a fucking imbecile. We need an insightful Secretary of State, and that is not someone who can't readily identify a fucking imbecile.

Joe Conservative said...

Just remember beamish, you need to have a candidate in order to win an election. ;)

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I voted for the only Republican on the Presidential ballot. He ran as a Libertarian.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Gary Johnson has flaws.

None of those flaws include funding Democrats like Donald Trump did, employing known traitors (Flynn, Manafort), employing an outspoken Leninist (Bannon), praising the elevation of a Chinese Communist (Xi Jinping), and so on.

Hell, even when Johnson is smoked out higher than a test pilot the bastard can still fucking read.

Fuck Trump.

Beantown AntiFacist said...

I voted for Gary Johnson in 2012. He was better than Romney, but not by much.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

2012 and 2016 for me. In 2018 I will not vote for any Republican that squandered opportunities to call Trump a fucking imbecile on TV.

FreeThinke said...


Joe Conservative said...

You "never Trumpers" kill me. You want corporate white collar jobs, in a economy that creates them only in India, China and the Far East. Gary Johnson wasn't bringing jobs home. He was for completing the "international treaty" mandated wealth transfer to Asia.

Joe Conservative said...

The economic rape of the USA was so obvious, even "an imbecile" could see it coming. It takes too many years of "higher education" to dull your vision.

Joe Conservative said...

Billions, billions, who's lost the billions?

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I don't see a transfer wealth deduction on my check except those that go to the government.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Im betting Jeff Flake is the Libertarian presidential candidate in 2020.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Think President Pence will run for re-election?

FreeThinke said...

As noted experimental modernist author, poet and famed international eccentric, Gertrude Stein, never said:

A jerk is a jerk is a jerk

FreeThinke said...

___ The Arkansas Power Broker ___

Oh, once upon a time in Arkansas,
A Redneck Sharp lived with a Power Whore
They fiddled with a theme they liked to hear,
A jolly old meme that they knew by ear.

It was raining hard, but the couple didn't care,
They played at being a popular pair,
They had no dough, but they hatched great schemes
Sure to help them realize their wildest dreams

A Power Broker paid a call that day,
And told them he could make their prospects bright and gay;
Their eyes shone bright, as their mouths grew wet,
The Broker said they'd soon have no cause to fret.

"All you have to do is sell your souls to me,
Then tell the voters you'll provide their needs for free,"
But the couple said when he'd had his say,
"We couldn't do it now, it's a rainy day."

The Power broker said, "That's all quite true,
But here's the thing, I think that you should do;
"Get busy when the weather gets clear and bright,
The hit the trail and fim flam with all your might."

The Power Whore leapt at the chance to feel,
She soon could grind the whole world underheel
"Just show us where to sign and our souls are yours;
We know you have the power to open all the doors."

And so began these four-flushers' sad career
With The Broker as their Guide they'd not a thing to fear,
They soon rose high to positions grand
From where they soon could pillage and loot the land.

Where their story ends we dont yet know
But I'll bet they spend Eternity Below
For Grifters too must learn what their schemes brought to pass
Is sure to turn around and bite them right in the ass!

~ FreeThinke on a Lark